Shopping Mall -the village-

An open space in the village

An interior project of shopping mall located in bottom 3 floors of mixed use building in central China. The scheme pursues to increase the flexibility and routes of flows by opening up the public spaces which tend to be enclosed by the tenant’s facades. To make the space one big open room, the shop front walls are lowered as much as possible, and transparent materials are used for the walls taller than eye level. By inserting independent shops in the middle of the public space, it provides more choices of flows and contribute to maximize the customer’s staying hour. Furthermore, niche spaces are created in each corner where people stay and events can be taken place. As various activities are carried out in the village square, the activities in the tenants overflows to the public space to create very lively atmosphere as a whole shopping mall.

Use: Commercial
Client:Local Developer
Structure: Reinforced Concrete
Floor Area:30,000㎡



用途 :商業施設
施主 :ディベロッパー
敷地 :中国
構造 :鉄筋コンクリート
建築面積 :30,000㎡

①一筆書き/ One stroke of flow
Creating a simple flow of common space.

②店舗ファサードを増やす/ Inserting Independent Stores and Curving Shop Fronts
The curved surface shop front provides more exposure and display area in comparison to straight shop front. Independent stores have 360 degree exposure. The curved surfaces allow smoother flows.

③絞る/ Squeeze
The niche spaces are created by squeezing the round shapes. These niches provide event spaces, display spaces, and resting areas. It allows smoother flow.

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