
所  在  地:高知県佐川町
用  途:物販、飲食、展示
竣  工 :2023年3月
構  造:木造
施  工:岸之上工務店
撮  影:エスエス

日本の植物学の父、牧野富太郎の出生地、高知県佐川町に位置する道の駅。プロポーザルにより選定された。牧野博士の名前を冠した道の駅にふさわしいように、彼が愛した佐川町の自然の魅力を最大限引き立たせるため、与えられた条件を鵜呑みにするのではなく、ゼロベースから考え抜いた、佐川町の未来を想った 施設となっている。敷地は元もと自衛隊のヘリポートであった。既存の舗装を駐車場として活用するために、敷地の西側への建物の配置を求められていたが、整備する必要があった敷地南側の広場との連携が希薄になることを考慮し、広場に寄り添うように敷地南側に建物を置き、広場や周囲の自然との関係を強める配置とした。


建物は雁行しており、どこにいても外への視線が抜け、周囲の雄大な自然を身近に感じることができる。入口から空間の両端を視認できないため、利用者は奥へ奥へと誘われ、芝生広場へ辿り着く。そこは佐川の美しい山々に囲まれた居心地のよい広場 で、子どもたちが思い思いに走り回り、自然と触れ合うことができる。活動が建物内で完結するのではなく、自然と建築がお互いに寄り添い、共存する関係を生む、佐川町の自然を愛した牧野さんらしい道の駅となった。



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Roadside station located in Sakawa, Kochi Prefecture, birthplace of Tomitaro Makino, the father of Japanese botany. STUDIO YY was selected through a competition. The roadside station was named after Dr. Makino in order to maximize attraction Sakawa’s nature he loved. The site was formerly a helipad for the Self-Defense Forces. In order to utilize the existing pavement as a parking lot, the building was required to be located on the west side of the site. However, considering that the building would not be well connected to the plaza on the south side of the site, the building was located on the south side of the site to enhance connection with the plaza and surrounding nature.
Inspired by the traditional gable-roofed streetscape of Kamimachi, the birthplace of Tomitaro Makino, and the beautiful scenery of the mountains, the building is covered with a gabled roof. A sloping roof, the world’s first wooden casten structure suspending over the two gabled roofs, frames out the flower fields on the slopes behind the building, which change with the seasons, and are the first thing visitors see when they enter the site. The building features a rammed earth wall that spans the interior and exterior of the building, which is also famous for its geological features, and also responds to the shop concept of “Gochiso Sagawa,” which means hospitality. The wall was designed to allow visitors to experience the attractions of Sakawa Town in abundance by posting tourist information, setting up a special products sales corner, and embedded fossils. It also serves to lead visitor’s activities outdoors and spread liveliness throughout the site.

Site: Sakawa、Kochi Prefecture
Use: Roadside Station + Restaurant +Exhibition Hall
Site Area: 9,940㎡
Building Area: 2,113㎡
Floor Area: 1,853㎡
Structure Type: Timber
Structural Consultant: Yamada Noriaki Structural Design Office
MEP Consultant: Shin
Construction Contractor: Kishinoue
Photo: SS